PINK PIGEON PRESS: Specialist Publisher of Books About the Indian Ocean
Featured Publication: "GRAND PORT, UNTOLD STORIES"
Pink Pigeon Press specializes in the production of educational literature about the history and culture of Mauritius, Reunion and Rodrigues, the islands which form the Mascarene group in the southwest Indian Ocean.
The history of the Chagos archipelago, the Seychelles, Comores, and Madagascar are closely connected to that of the Mascarenes and are also covered in our work.
Themes of interest include slavery and migration, with emphasis on the Indian and African diasporas.
Our books are designed to be useful research tools for students and academic researchers as well as offering non-specialists an opportunity to discover more about these islands.
We provide free copies of our books to educational institutions in Mauritius and low cost copies for sale worldwide.
Pink Pigeon Press is based in London but we work closely with the Centre for Research on Indian Ocean Societies, a research NGO registered in Mauritius, and are currently establishing relationships with a number of other not-for-profit organizations.
Please feel free to contact us: info@pinkpigeonpress.com