Colouring Book suitable for 8 to 12 years olds. 18 pages with English text.
Conception and Illustrations by Khalil Muthy.
This book will make a great gift for friends travelling with children to Mauritius…
Just click on the Pay Pal link, purchase one book by making a payment of £1.50 or all 3 books for £3.50 and we will email you the PDF[s] for printing and Colour guide[s].
Cost: £3.50
Colouring tips.
Use oil pastels for better results.
Wax crayons will be suitable.
Watersoluble colour pencils will be better but require special skill with a wet brush.
To colour neatly always stroke in the same direction with regular pressure.
Be aware of how the tip of the crayon is applying colour. Fill large areas at one go.
For tiny difficult detailed areas apply colour lightly at first then colour carefully.
Be patient.
Stop occasionally to appreciate the liveliness of the colours.
Mix colours to create variety but choose the ones that match.
At a second session apply more colour where needed to cover tiny white areas that were left out.
The drawing will then look great.
Practise coloring simple shapes on rough paper before attempting a final drawing.
Above all enjoy colouring!